Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So those of you who know us, know that we like change...a little too much! We've changed our backyard several times! Let's just hope this is it!! After several hours of hard work, we are happy with our final product!!

Here's Kaycie basking in the sun...she wasn't much for helping! But, I did make her pick up a couple hundred rocks! Oh yes, she counted them!!
Mark taking Riley on a bobcat ride!! He loved it!!
Moving dirt...oh the fun! Moving more dirt!!Mark even did our sprinkling system all by himself! Helps to have a handy man around...saves a lot of $$ too!!
...and here's the finished product...more grass to mow, but less sticker weeds to avoid!!

The kids are happy...and I say...let the summer begin!!

1 comment:

Kellie & Cody said...

It looks great! I remember when we did our own sprinkler system! Not the most fun I've ever had!!