Monday, November 3, 2008


We had so much fun this year. Riley was such a riot. He would knock on the door or want to push the button (doorbell) and before they came to the door, he was already saying his version of "Trick or Treat", "ipp er teat". Once they opened the door, I would have to tell him to say it again. But, he wouldn't he would say "Candy please". And then he would say, "thank you bye". And move on to the next house, running all the way. We couldn't keep up! He would run to the next house yelling...."go...go...go...Kaycie...come on" Kaycie was even having a hard time keeping up with him.

Jake the shadow
Jake, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with the family trick or treating, it was all about his friends this year. Which is fine, he had tons of fun!

Kaycie the monster bride
Kaycie stayed with us most of the night and then she went off with her friends Cole and Wyatt. They felt so independent and had tons of fun!

Riley the Bee

...we were lucky to keep Riley's costume on most of the night! I really think he ended up with more candy than Jake or Kaycie!!


Amber said...

Your kids are so cute!! I love the monster bride costume.

megan... said...

I'm glad the monster bride costume ended up coming on time!!